We AIH work with various connections, including agents and developers who deal with the care sector.

How buoyant is the care sector market?

In 2017 there was £1.32bn worth of documented investment transactions in healthcare, see here.

Property agents such as Savills have commented here – “Over recent years, the healthcare market has positioned itself as a more mainstream asset class offering, in many cases, a secure income against a strong operator covenant. The sector has seen renewed interest from overseas investors, particularly from China and the Middle East, while also remaining popular with UK pension funds and insurers.”

Advantages of investing in the care sector?

The advantages of investing in the care sector include assured income, fully managed investment and fewer costs.

Disadvantages of investing in the care sector?

The disadvantages of investing in the care sector include large outlay, it is a long term investment and lack of flexibility if you need to exist the investment quickly.

Find Out More

To find out more about investing in the care sector or to join the AIH, please contact us by:

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